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Data infrastructure run by the Institute
The Generations and Gender Program (GGP)
The Generations and Gender Program (GGP) is the only international research infrastructure dedicated to comparative studies of demographic trends and family-related social dynamics. Through the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS), it gathers new longitudinal data on the lives of individuals aged 18 to 79. These representative datasets are complemented by descriptive indicators reflecting national contexts. Key areas of research facilitated by the GGP data include the transition to adulthood, partnership dynamics (formation and dissolution), family formation, fertility, household labor division, intergenerational relationships, and the socioeconomic conditions of young adults, families, and other household types. Additionally, the GGP supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing repeated measures on gender autonomy and contraceptive use.
Established in 2000, the GGP is managed by a consortium of international research institutions, that Vytautas Magnus University is a part of, and is headquartered at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) in The Hague, Netherlands. In 2021, the GGP was recognised as a project on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap. GGP is currently working to obtain a legal status of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). To date, more than 30 countries have participated in the GGS, and the GGP database contains robust information on over 300,000 individuals. Globally, the GGP has over 5,000 users who contribute to a rich and continuously growing body of knowledge.