Vytautas Kavolis Transdisciplinary Research Institute invites early career researchers to submit applications for the Junior postdoctoral fellow position for 2025 – 2026 (23 months).
The aim of the Junior postdoctoral fellowship is to enhance the scientific qualifications and method competencies of early-career social science and humanities researchers and give them the opportunity to develop an independent academic career.
The call also seeks to promote the participation and involvement of early career researchers in international infrastructures, international academic associations, platforms, and research programmes (Horizon Europe, JPICH, COST Action, etc.). It also gives them access to large-scale databases (e.g., LiData Dataverse repository, SAGE, JSTOR), which allows them to broaden the range of topics to be developed and to increase relevance.
Topics for research proposals
- Sociocultural identities and transformations (more specifically, demographic processes and population research; cultural and religion studies; ethnicity and identity politics).
- Resilient societies and inclusive politics (more specifically, studies on society resilience and welfare; communication processes, governance and politics).
- Regional and urban transformations (more specifically, cities and regions: history, self-governance, and politics; communities and critical heritage, urban ecology and sustainability).
- Datafication and digital transformations (more specifically, datafication in social processes, digital resilience and new technologies).
Important information about the position
- The duration of the postdoctoral fellowship is 23 months. The start date is 1 February 2025, end date – 31 December 2026. Full-time employment contract, work guarantees included accordingly to Lithuanian employment legislation.
- The applicant must not have worked at Vytautas Magnus University in the last 12 months.
Submission of application and documents
- Applicants shall submit their documents to the Kavolis Institute administration by e-mail at vki@vdu.lt.
- The application should be prepared in English.
- If you have any questions, please send your inquiry to vki@vdu.lt.
Important date
- 29 November 2024 at 5 PM (CET): call closes (last application date).
- More information about the position requirements and the Call for applications is here.
- The application form is here.
- The evaluation form is here.
The fellowship is a part of the project “Strengthening the R&D activities of the Vytautas Kavolis Transdisciplinary Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (SOCMTEP)”. The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania, Contract No S-A-UEI-23-13 (2023-12-27).
Photo by Haneen Krimly on Unsplash