On 26th September 2024, the fourth meeting of the Generations and Gender Programme Board of Governmental Representatives (GGP-BGR) took place in The Hague. The meeting was attended by 35 representatives, both in person and remotely, from 14 countries within the European Union and the European Economic Area. In Lithuania, the Generations and Gender Programme is implemented as the Research Infrastructure for Fertility and Family Studies (GGP LT) under a consortium agreement between Vytautas Magnus University and the Lithuanian Social Research Centre.
The Lithuanian delegation made of Steponas Kulbauskas, Senior Adviser at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour Horizontal Policy and Project Management Group; Aušra Maslauskaitė, Head of the GGP LT Research Infrastructure, Professor at Vytautas Magnus University, Senior Researcher at the V. Kavolis Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (KI), and Head of the Demographic and Family Research Department at the Sociology Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. They were joined by Vytenis Juozas Deimantas, Research Infrastructure Manager of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) and GGP LT team member at both the Lithuanian Social Research Centre and VDU KI. Their participation contributed to discussions on the GGP’s goal of becoming a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). Key topics discussed included the GGP-ERIC Statutes, financial documents, and Scientific and Technical Description. Impact presentations highlighted the benefits of GGP in Austria, Croatia, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. The meeting concluded with a forward-looking perspective, underscoring GGP’s role in future demographic research among member states and the importance of ongoing international cooperation in this field.
The Generations and Gender Programme is a leading international research infrastructure focused on the study of population and family dynamics. It provides internationally comparable data on topics such as fertility, family relationships, aging, and gender roles, supporting policy development and social research. GGP aims to promote demographic research across countries by fostering collaboration and providing high-quality longitudinal data.