Vytautas Kavolis Transdisciplinary Research Institute has invited early career researchers to apply for postdoctoral fellow positions for 2024 – 2025. Postdoctoral fellowships have been funded for three promising researchers: Monika Maminskaite, who holds a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the University of Cambridge; Vytenis Juozas Deimantas, who holds a PhD in Public Policy and Administration from the University of Bocconi, and Darius Žukaukas, who holds a PhD in Art History from Vytautas Magnus University.
The topic of Monika Maminskaite’s postdoctoral research fellowship is “Personality Traits Determining Lithuania’s Civilian (Para)military Participation”. Maminskaite’s research will aims to address an important gap in the scientific literature by examining the personality traits that influence civilians’ willingness to participate in military or paramilitary activities. Drawing on the Big Five personality theory, Maminskaite hypothesises distinct personality profiles between Lithuania’s National Defence Volunteer Force and Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union members. The project will also examine how personality traits exhibited by participants in both organisations relate to traditional indicators of patriotism and the resilience of the individual, rather than the society.

The topic of Vytenis Juozas Deimantas’ postdoctoral research fellowship is particularly relevant in the current context: “Russia’s War in Ukraine and COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact of Two Crises on Family Relationships in Lithuania and Europe”. These two major crises of the third decade of the 21st century have significantly affected people’s personal lives, leading to long-lasting consequences such as separation from loved ones. Deimantas will analyse the impact of these crises on family relationships, including social, economic, health and political aspects. His research will provide valuable insights into how family relationships respond to large scale crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine and provide evidence for policy makers and NGOs

“Images of St. John the Baptist in Lithuanian Catholic Churches Between the 15th and 20th Centuries“ – the topic of Darius Žukauskas’ postdoctoral research, a subject that has not yet been studied in Lithuanian scientific literature. This research aims to identify and examine the distinct artistic and iconographic characteristics of Saint John the Baptist’s depiction in the Lithuanian Catholic Church art, understand the influence of religious and cultural factors on the development of these images, and evaluate them in the European context of Christian art. Until now, there has been no dedicated research in Lithuania analysing the images of St John the Baptist.

The aim of the postdoctoral fellowships at the Institute is to enhance the scientific qualifications and methodological competences of the early career researchers in the social sciences and humanities, to provide an opportunity to develop an independent academic career, and to promote participation and involvement in international infrastructures, international academic associations, platforms and research programmes.
Podoktorantūros stažuotės bus vykdomos iki 2025 m. gruodžio mėn. Kitas konkursas podoktorantūros stažuotojo/os pareigoms užimti planuojamas 2025 m. pabaigoje.
This activity is a part of the project “Strengthening the R&D activities of the Vytautas Kavolis Transdisciplinary Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (SOCMTEP) 2023-2027’”. The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania, Contract No S-A-UEI-23-13 (2023-12-27). Project programme ‘University Excellence Initiative’ (Order No V-665 by the Research Council of Lithuania).