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The Scientific Council of the V. Kavolis Institute Was Elected

The Vytautas Kavolis Transdisciplinary Research Institute elected its Council on the 20th of December, 2023. According to the Statutes of the Kavolis Institute, the Scientific Council of the Institute will be appointed for five years and composed of the Institute’s scientists and people who are not researchers of the Institute.


The following members of the Scientific Council of the Kavolis Institute have been elected by a majority of votes in a secret ballot at the meeting of the Institute:


Dr. Renata Legenzova (Economics);

Dr. Rasutė Žukienė (Art History);

Dr. Aistė Lazauskienė (Political Science);

Dr. Gintautas Mažeikis (Philosophy);

Martynas Butkus (History);

Dr. Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė (Director of the Institute);

Dr. Paulius Pakutinskas (Social Partner, Member of the Lithuanian Association of Artificial Intelligence, co-founder of the 3D printer startup Vital, Senior Advisor to AB Telia Lietuva).


The Scientific Council of the Institute is composed of seven members, four of whom are researchers from different fields of the Institute, one who is a Ph.D. student, one who is an acting member and the Director of the Institute, and one who is a non-employee of the Institute (social partner).


According to the Director of the Kavolis Institute, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė, this is one of the first institutional steps in creating the identity of the Institute and, at the same time, contributing to the development of the VMU culture of cooperation. “We want the Institute to be visible both nationally and in the future internationally through the search for innovative themes and methods,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Bučaitė-Vilkė.


The newly elected member of the Institute’s Scientific Council, Prof. Dr. Renata Legenzova, considers this position an honor and a vote of confidence from her colleagues, allowing her to contribute to the overall success of the Institute’s interdisciplinary research. “For me, this role not only reinforces my sense of responsibility and involvement in the Institute’s activities but also, I hope, deepens my connection with the wider scientific community, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. The opportunity to interact and collaborate with Council and Institute colleagues who are leaders in their respective fields provides a valuable networking opportunity that can open the door to collaborative interdisciplinary projects and research partnerships”, said Prof. Dr. R. Legenzova.


The Scientific Council of the Kavolis Institute will adopt resolutions on the most significant issues concerning the organization of the Institute’s activities and other matters, allocate the funds received by the Institute centrally, initiate and approve the Institute’s strategic plan of activities, and carry out other functions and decisions which are important for the Institute, its organization, and development.


The Scientific Council of the Kavolis Institute will be headed by a Chairperson, who will be elected at the first meeting of the Council from among the members of the Scientific Council of the Kavolis Institute by secret ballot by a majority of the votes cast, with the participation of at least 2/3 of the members of the Scientific Council.


We wish the newly elected Scientific Council of the Kavolis Institute the very best of luck and success!


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